Ravana, unwilling under the influence of vanity to restore a stranger's wife; Duryodhana, to part with a portion of his kingdom; Dambhodbhava and Arjuna of the Haihaya dynasty being so haughty as to despise all people; Vatapi in his attempt under the influence of overjoy to attack Agastya, as well as the Vṛṣṇi corporation in their attempt against Dvaipayana.
Thus these and other several kings, falling a prey to the aggregate of the six enemies and having failed to restrain their organs of sense, perished together with their kingdom and relations. Having driven out the aggregate of the six enemies, Ambarisha of the Jamadagnya dynasty, famous for his restraint over the senses long enjoyed the earth, as did Nabhaga.
—Kautilya, in the Arthaśāstra, 1.6:5-12